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If a ritual fly whisk in Afro-Cuban religion looks like a Yoruba fly whisk, and is called by the name of a Yoruba fly whisk—ìrùkè—then where is the problem?" (Palmié 2008a, 3-4). Cuban Orisha Percussion / Batá Drums. Santeria is a religion of Afro-American origin, as well as Voodoo, based on religious sincretism and idolatry of saints. Factsheet: Protests in Cuba and Religious Freedom . Due to the abrupt change of environment from Africa to Cuba in the middle of horrific and humiliating conditions imposed by the slavery system, the rich Yoruba civilisation lost many of its values. Although it's practiced today by people all over the world, Regla de Ocha is generally defined as an Afro-Cuban religion that originated in what is today Nigeria and Benin in West Africa. But it formed the fundamental of many syncretic religions. According to the U.S-based Patmos Institute, police summoned and interrogated Yoruba priest Loreto Hernandez Garcia, vice president of the Free Yorubas of Cuba, which was founded in 2012 by Yorubas who disagreed with the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba, which they allege is controlled by the ORA. of broader religious freedom conditions in Cuba. This book pulls away the veil of secrecy to reveal exactly what Ifá is and how it works, exploring its history, cosmology, Orichas, initiations, mythology, offerings, and sacrifices. The heavy influence of Yoruba Religion can be found in Santeria, Vodou, Candomble, Umbanda and other syncretic religions across the Caribbean. Oya is an Osha and is closely related to Iku, the divinity of death. Cultura, tradición y religión afrocubana. Most of the sacred dances we perform are from the Afro-Cuban religion of Santeria, or Regla de Ocha. Las deidades más populares y conocidas, Obbatalá, Shangó, Yemayá, Oshún, Elegguá y otras, con sus números, colores y fechas. This religion has found its way throughout the world and is now expressed in practices as varied as Candomblé, Lucumí/Santería . The Afro-Cuban son is rich with religious rituals and sensual dances, and there is a rich history behind its rhythm. OGGUN. Características de las personas que son sus hijos. IFE-ILE performs and teaches a variety of Afro-cuban music and dance traditions, from the sacred and folkloric to the latest popular fusions. by Dr. Ade Dopamu, Professor of Religion. Santeria began in Cuba as a mixture of the Western African Yoruba Religion and Iberian Catholicism. It is estimated that around 80 to 90 percent of Cubans consult with Santería priests, making it the most widely practiced religion in . The reading was made public by a group of Cuban Yoruba priests in the early hours of January 1st, after a ceremony brought together followers, devout to the Ifa cult for a long time. o Regla de Osha-Ifá es un conjunto de sistemas religiosos que funden creencias católicas con la cultura tradicional yoruba. Cuba's prevailing religion is Christianity, primarily Roman Catholicism, although in some instances it is profoundly modified and influenced through syncretism.A common syncretic religion is Santería, which combined the Yoruba religion of the African slaves with Catholicism and some Native American strands; it shows similarities to Brazilian Umbanda and has been receiving a degree of official . Orishas y dioses de la santería cubana y la religión yoruba. Eleven percent identify with African beliefs, five percent . At least three other Afro-Cuban religious traditions can be identified: the cult of Ifá, the Palo Monte, and Cuban Spiritualism. Lucumí­ is by far the most prestigious of the Afro-Cuban religions, just as Candomblé Nagí´ is the most prestigious of the Afro-Brazilian religions. "I am not separated from my Orisa, from my . Desde mi punto de vista personal y experiencia propia les cuento en este story time ! This resurgence in popularity and interest of the adaptation of Yoruba and Ifa with the catholicism . Santería was born out of necessity for the people of the Yoruba tradition who were brought to Cuba as slaves starting in the 16th century from present-day Nigeria and Benin. The risk of spreading the virus has ruled out the large ceremonies of drumming and dancing that characterize Santeria, a religion that fuses Yoruba beliefs and traditions, brought to Cuba by . My objective is to show the psychosocial importance of this genre as it helped to shape and preserve the sense of culture and identity that were stripped from the African diaspora that landed in the Caribbean as slaves. Santeria "babalawo" Juliano and priest Enrique pose on October 21, 1998 in the old town in Havana, Cuba.

Twin sisters Naomi Diaz and Lisa-Kaindé Diaz took on the eponym Ibeyi — the Yoruba word for "twins" — back in 2013. RELIGION IN CUBA | Brisa Cubana After all, there's the Yoruba Cultural Association and Casa de Africa in Old Havana. Santería and Catholicism: Two religions, coexisting in ... In The Cooking of History he provides a comprehensive analysis of these assumptions, in the process offering an incisive critique . Oya lives at the door of the cemeteries. Cuban black magic really works because we respect the tradition to the letter by practicing specific spells directly in their country of origin, also availing ourselves . Britton says that growing up in the Afro-Cuban Lucumí religion, which is derived from the Yoruba tradition, gave her a fulfilling sense of self. In addition, it was rooted and preserved in the American continent through syncretism. Religiones en Cuba: 3 creencias religiosas en la Isla. The Cuban regime heavily regulates santería and persecutes those who practice it outside of the auspices of Party-approved priests. West African religious cultures in Cuba are the systems providing the icons and the structural flexibility underneath such syncretic processes (for Yoruba religious structure see Barber, 1981: 724-745). SANTERIA, CUBA: IFA YORUBA, PALO MONTE, PALO MAYOMBE. Santería is a syncretic religion rooted in the religious practices of the Yoruba people, who were brought as slaves to Cuba from the Congo Basin and West Africa, that incorporates elements of Catholicism. After the revolution, the state sought to control the religious activities even barring financial contributions from unrecognized organizations. Entre 1820 y 1840, la mayoría de los esclavos enviados desde Benin fueron Yorubas. Information on the Internet can be found using such search phrases as: Yoruba faith, Orisha worship, and Ifa religion. The presence in Cuba of African slaves, who were brought by force by the Spanish conquistadors, a phenomenon that was justified at the time by the need for cheap labor force, also marked the beginning of religious traditions brought to the Caribbean Island by members of the Yoruba tribe. The religion is thought to have hundreds of gods, also known as Orishas, who reign over various parts of nature. Cuba has different religious groups reflecting the diversity in the country. "SAINT LAZARUS" CATHOLIC: "BABALÚ AYÉ" YORUBA ". Mola is a "godmother" in Cuba's Santeria tradition, which has its roots in the Yoruba religion imported to Cuba from West Africa by slaves. It came to Cuba through the slave trade. Due to the abrupt change of environment from Africa to Cuba in the middle of horrific and humiliating conditions imposed by the slavery system the rich Yoruba civilization lost many of its values. These African religions include Yoruba, which originated in Nigeria and Benin. Es tan astuto y travieso como Elegguá pero más voluntarioso. Watch popular content from the following creators. These are now flourishing in the Caribbean, South America and North America, notably in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Grenada, the Guyanas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Tobago, and Trinidad. Percussion is a crucial component of the Orisha religion, in that it . We will use the term Lucumi to distinguish Cubans of Yoruba descent from both African Yorubas and non-Yoruba-descended Cubans who are not adherents of Santeria, and also to refer to Santeria's ritual language. However, as Spanish colonies, Cuba and Puerto Rico were loyal to the Catholic church and so religious worship of Santería was prohibited. Africanism and religiosity in Cuba. Yoruba Religion was preceded by Palo Mayombe in Cuba and other parts of the Caribbean. Afro-Cuban Yoruba religion believers perform a ritual during the "Letter of the Year" - which lists predictions made by Cuban Santeros for the new. Come and visit us at the Carribean and get to know the Santeria Religion. Santería (Spanish pronunciation: [san̪.t̪eˈɾi.a]), also known as Regla de Ocha, Regla Lucumí, or Lucumí, is an African diasporic religion that developed in Cuba during the late 19th century. Like many Santeria practitioners, she is also a Roman . They brought their . Uno de los Orishas mas viejos, es hermano de Elegguá y Shangó .Es el guerrero por excelencia participando en todas las batallas. Sacred to Yoruba religion and Santeria, they have also been used in secular music such as salsa and jazz. This book pulls away the veil of secrecy to reveal exactly what Ifá is and how it works, exploring its history, cosmology, Orichas, initiations, mythology, offerings, and sacrifices. It incorporates elements of several faiths and that is the reason why it is called a 'syncretic' religion. Cuban Religion. . She is the promoter of storms, hurricane winds and sparks. In Cuba Santeria comes directly from the Yoruba religion and it is the main foundation of the religious beliefs of Afro-Cubans also called Lucumí cult or Osha-Ifá Rule in which the deities of the Yoruba pantheon known.

13 talking about this. The Yoruba Religious System. . In fact, Catholicism is highly modified and influenced by syncretism. It is an Afro-Caribbean religion that emerged out of Spanish colonialization of Cuba. Orisha worship was spread to the new world through . Domina los secretos del monte. Esta lucha interna y los ataques externos condujeron a la caída y esclavización de la ciudad Yoruba. In Cuba, the largest Caribbean island, African religions were introduced by slaves coming from West and Central Africa. Hidden within the mysterious Afro-Cuban religion of Santería, also known as Lucumí, there is a deep body of secrets and rituals called Ifá. Lucumí (Yoruba) Culture in Cuba: A Reevaluation (1830S -1940s) Miguel Ramos Florida International University, DOI: 10.25148/etd.FI13120402 Follow this and additional works at: Part of theAfrican History Commons,Cultural History Commons,History of Religion It is a combination of Catholicism and Yoruba religion. It is one of the numerous syncretic religions created by Africans brought to the Caribbean islands as slaves. These three groups, enslaved on the island, coexisted, each group confronting obstacles that . Blood sacrifice, the worshipping [worshiping] of. Santeria devotees came to the United States in increasing num-bers after the 1959 Cuban revolution. Babalao Cubano de la Religión Yoruba libera de una Daño Poderoso a una mujer.--Hello my friends.! practicada en tantos paises del mundo Ifa's 2021 Reading and its Recommendations. Sitio donde podremos informarnos sobre la religion yoruba . Background Afro-Cuban religions have long been an integral part of Cuban society. Sacred to Yoruba religion and Santeria, they have also been used in secular music such as salsa and jazz. Yoruba luchó una serie de guerras con sus vecinos y entre ellos. Santeria is an Afro-Caribbean religion which is becoming more widely practiced in North American as immigration continues from Latin America and specifically Cuba. Catholics according to studies make up 60 percent of the population, this being the most professed religion. syncretic religion of Cuban origin. Santeria (The way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions. The yorubá or lucumí religion which is also known as Santeria or Regla de Osha is the most expanded religion of African origin in Cuba. The Yoruba are a Nigerian ethnic group; Cuban Yorubas are practitioners of a hybrid Cuban religion that blends Yoruba paganism with Spanish Catholicism known commonly as santería. Estos esclavos fueron llevados a Cuba y a Brasil para trabajar en las plantaciones de azúcar. The status, roles, and interactions of three dominant African ethnic groups and their descendants in Cuba significantly influenced the island's cubanidad (national identity): the Lucumís (Yoruba), the Congos (Bantú speakers from Central West Africa), and the Carabalís (from the region of Calabar). Dios de los minerales, de las armas e instrumentos de trabajo . The principal orishas include Eleggua, Oggun, Ochosi, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya, Babalu Aiye, and Orula. The Palo Monte is a very complex religion that is not learned overnight. Looking back to the earliest records of the groups that eventually developed the traditions known today as Santería, Lukumi, Orisha Religion, and Yoruba Tradition Religion, Palmié traces the ways scholars and their informants/conversation partners worked together to develop what has . In addition to the worship of one God, named Olodumare, the Yoruba worship dozens of deities known as "Orishas" who are personified aspects of nature and spirit.

The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi . Santeria. It was developed out of need for the African slaves in order to carry on practicing their native religion in the New World. She symbolizes the violent and impetuous character. It's hard to dispute that Yoruba culture and sounds have made a lasting, profound impact on the music in Cuba. Yoruba and Orisha Traditions. (Olodumare is also known by various other names including Olorun, Eledumare, Eleda and Olofin-Orun). I took the question in a different direction in the publication I just cited, basically asking what it might mean to use the qualifier "African" for anything . In today's Cuba, devotion to the Virgin and to Ochun is often intertwined. Espero que les guste y recuerden siempre respetar las religiones de otr. During the colonial period, the slaves of Yoruba brought their gods to the Caribbean. The term "Santeria" was used by the Spaniards in a derogatory manner to mock the apparent excessive devotion that showed the followers of the saints, to the detriment of the Judeo-Christian God Yahweh.

This book pulls away the veil of secrecy to reveal exactly what Ifá is and how it works, exploring its history, cosmology, Orichas, initiations, mythology, offerings, and sacrifices. Yoruba religion by examining the concept of creationism, the spiritual hierarchy, and the Yoruba pantheon of gods called the Òrìṣà.2 The manifestation of Yoruba Religion in Cuba and Brazil will be further examined and the existence of Catholic elements within the groups of practitioners will be analyzed. "An excellent dissection and analysis of what the author calls 'Afro-' 'Cuban' 'Religion.' . The presence in Cuba of African slaves, who were brought by force by the Spanish conquistadors, a phenomenon that was justified at the time by the need for cheap labor force, also marked the beginning of religious traditions brought to the Caribbean Island by members of the Yoruba tribe. In nature she is symbolized by the spark.. It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional Yoruba religion of West Africa, the Roman Catholic form of Christianity, and Spiritism.There is no central authority in control of . Slaves from West Africa were imported to Cuba in the 17th century, and they brought . a true African-American syncretism that grew out of West African Yoruba traditions. The yorubá or lucumí religion which is also known as Santeria or Regla de Osha is the most expanded religion of African origin in Cuba. Over a lifetime of studying Cuban Santería and other religions related to Orisha worship—a practice also found among the Yoruba in West Africa—Stephan Palmié has grown progressively uneasy with the assumptions inherent in the very term Afro-Cuban religion. Cuban Orisha Percussion / Batá Drums. Yoruba-Based Traditions. Definition Known as Nagôs in Brazil or Lucumís in Cuba, Yoruba speakers highly contributed to the fash- Yoruba Religion is one of the main influences in ioning of Orisha religions in Latin America. The Revolution allowed the Yoruba to stop being a marginalized religion, reflects the documentary, in the words of Esteban Lazo, President of the National Assembly of People's Power, when he said that, although its origin is in Africa, the Yoruba is a Cuban religion. Santería conflates Catholic saints with deities from western Africa. the religion. Like many Santeria practitioners, she is also a . The Ifa religion is one of the most deeply-rooted for believers. Afro-Cuban Religions. The Yoruba or Lucumi religion which is also known as Santeria or Regla de Osha, is the most expanded religion of African origin in Cuba. 1. In order to maintain their religion, Africans living on the island prayed in secret by superimposing their orishas on Catholic saints. Yoruba Religion. Since then, the French-Cuban duo harnessed their syncretic beliefs in a . Cuba is still the religious center of Santería, but the faith has spread to many other countries as well, including the U.S. Santería's roots can be traced to the Lucumí religion, which was practiced by the Yoruba tribes of modern-day Benin and Nigeria. Es símbolo de la fuerza y de la energía terrestre. The religion, which comes from the Yoruba culture in what is now Nigeria, is as old as the hills. Afro-Cuban Religions. RELIGION IN CUBA. The Yoruba religion in Cuba is a mixture of spirituality, which, despite its eminently African origin, has integrated people from different cultural backgrounds. Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Yoruba Religion: A Key Element in Cuban Culture Cuba, a fast-growing tourist destination in the Caribbean region, has a natural, cultural and historic wealth marked by key elements that attract thousands of foreign vacationers from everywhere in the world who visit the island every year.

It is an Afro-Caribbean religion that emerged out of Spanish colonialization of Cuba. Religión yoruba en Cuba. . What's new is that here in Cuba the religion is striving to become more African, to connect more firmly with its ancient roots--and that more and more Cubans, in a time of economic crisis and wrenching change, have become believers. Batá drums are a set of three double-headed religious drums used in Cuba: The Iya, Itotele and Okonkolo. The slaves decided to join the names of their deities to the Christian saints, taking into . The word Santería comes from Spanish and loosely translates as devotion to the saints, or santos. . Photo: Taken from Cuba's Yoruba Cultural Association. Português: Santeria ou Regla de Osha-Ifá é um conjunto de sistemas religiosos que se fundem crenças católicas com a cultura tradicional Yoruba. Yoruba-Based Traditions. Professor Omojola explains the Yoruba religion and its deities: Omojola (1.16) So Yoruba music has a very strong religious theme. Así mismo podrá conocer de los Orishas del panteón Yoruba como Olofin, Orunmila, Eshu, Elegguá, Oggún, Oshosi, Osun, Obbatalá, Yemayá, Shangó, Oshún, Oyá, Aggayú, Babalu Ayé, Olokun y muchos más. See more ideas about santeria, orisha, religion. Percussion is a crucial component of the Orisha religion, in that it . An Orisha (also spelled Orisa or Orixa) is a spirit or deity that reflects one of the manifestations of Olodumare (God) in the Yoruba spiritual or religious system. Due to the abrupt change of environment from Africa to Cuba in the middle of horrific and humiliating conditions imposed by the slavery system the rich Yoruba civilization lost many of its values. The Free Yoruba Association of Cuba (Asociación de Yorubas Libres de Cuba or "Free Yorubas") is an independent and unregistered Santería community in Cuba that is frequently targeted by the Cuban state. La religión yoruba es una serie de creencias, mitos, historia y tradiciones espirituales que conforman la sociedad y la mitología del pueblo yoruba, un grupo etnolingüístico originario del África Occidental, principalmente en Nigeria y Benin. Santería is the most famous of Afro-Cuban religions, but it is not the only one. It has grown beyond its Yoruba and Catholic origins to become a religion in its own right, and a powerful symbol . Thus, West African religious cultures provide a method by in which cubanidad could be inclusively constructed. Roman Catholic is the dominant religion having been introduced by the Spanish colonialists. The association was founded in 2012 by Yorubas who disagreed with the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba, which is controlled by the government watchdog Office of Religious Affairs (ORA). In santeria, the Virgin is associated with Ochun (Oshun), the Yoruba goddess of love and femininity. A religion started in secret. Known as Today, several African-inspired religions claim Lucumís in Cuba or Nagôs in Brazil, enslaved . It is a syncretic religion that comprises elements of both Yoruba (West African) tradition and Roman Catholicism. Moi University, Kenya. On December 16, eve of San Lazaro, thousands of Cubans come to his sanctuary 30 kilometers southwest of Havana, to worship whom Catholics identify with San Lazaro Bishop and Santeria with Babalu Aye. Free Yorubas have been subject to arbitrary detentions and beatings, destruction of ceremonial objects, police monitoring, and searches-and-seizures without . The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the . the making of Afro-Atlantic religions. Hidden within the mysterious Afro-Cuban religion of Santería, also known as Lucumí, there is a deep body of secrets and rituals called Ifá. Sep 9, 2016 - Explore Liz's board "Afro-Cuban religion / Yoruba Santeria", followed by 403 people on Pinterest. !.Take a look to this video about an incredible Yoruba r. In general, Cuba is a Catholic country with great influence on the beliefs bequeathed by Africans. Hidden within the mysterious Afro-Cuban religion of Santería, also known as Lucumí, there is a deep body of secrets and rituals called Ifá. Represents the intensity of the mournful feelings and the world of the dead. Many practitioners of the Regla Lucumi refer to the Orichas . Come and visit us at the Carribean and get to know the Santeria Religion. Introduction. It is reported from Havana that the Roman Catholic Church claims that seventy per cent of Cuba's eleven-million people are Catholics. Batá drums are a set of three double-headed religious drums used in Cuba: The Iya, Itotele and Okonkolo. In Cuba, it happened a process of mixing of the Yoruba religion with the catholic, giving rise to a new system, known as Rule of Osha or Santería, that is the one that with more force has extended to Latin America, the United States and Europe. 1 This claim could easily be disputed in view of the pervasive influence of Afro-Caribbean religions in Cuba. I've studied, taught, and written about the Yoruba religion and its New-World counterparts-such as Lucumí­ in Cuba and Candomblé Nagí´ in Brazil-since 1980. Babalu Aye is one of the deities of the Yoruba religion. Sirva para la enseñanza de todo lo relacionado a la Religión Yoruba, Lucumí conocida también como Santería o Regla de Osha-Ifa. Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Babalawos, paleros, santeros y espirituales. The statue is also highly revered by followers of Santería, an Afro-Cuban religion that is a blending of Catholicism and African traditional religion. Mola is a "godmother" in Cuba's Santeria tradition, which has its roots in the Yoruba religion imported to Cuba from West Africa by slaves. It is a syncretic religion that comprises elements of both Yoruba (West African) tradition and Roman Catholicism.

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