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narrative inquiry data collection methods

Overall, the text is written very accessibly, and one of the reasons I plan to use it. Analysis of narratives has been influenced by various scholars … endstream endobj startxref Chapters 8 through 12 introduce approaches to gathering data--surveys, interviews, field research, content analysis, and, briefly, focus groups and experiments. read more. I do think that the modularity is well done. I imagine most students would need more guidance on how to analyze data, whether it be quantitative or qualitative. Generally, this text does not make use of any of the features which would be beneficial in an online text, but yet is not set up to be a well-designed print text. Data Set: A collection of data, very often in tabular form. more examples of macro-micro links, macro forces impinging on the micro-local, research not being about just one of these, micro, meso, or macro). The author speaks directly to the reader, and makes research and methodology seem accessible and relevant. In Figure 2.2 the three main sociological theories are mentioned but also listed as paradigms. Among the specific strengths of using quantitative methods to study social science research problems: Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research. Blackstone is adept at explaining critical social science research terminology as she places these in context with other disciplines.
Narrative inquiry requires: Trust and openness in research relationship High levels of ethical and critical engagement Mutual and sincere collaboration, over time Storyteller having full voice, but both voices heard Reflexive engagement throughout Tolerance of ambiguity Valuing of signs, symbols, metaphors Using multiple data sources. I used the pdf version for this review. This text, on the other hand, provides easy to understand examples that are of interest to today's students, especially in North American undergraduate sociology programs.

I will be recommending this text for my courses. There is no index available. I appreciate the use of sociological examples both historical and contemporary. Reviewed by Colleen Wynn, Assistant Professor, University of Indianapolis on 5/27/20, This text is quite comprehensive for an introductory methods course. These sentences all seem to be missing references to other sections of the book. Knowing what I know now, what would I do differently? The American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (CoC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR), and the SEER Program of the National Cancer Institute collaborate to clarify coding rules and instructions.
The discussion of study design (cross-sectional, longitudinal, etc.) Some of these students will go on to graduate work, but many will not, and this chapter provides real world information on careers using sociology and research methods that is useful and accurate. I had not issues using the interface and neither did my students. The contents were up-up-to date as of 2011-2012, but it needs revision to include more recent research examples and techniques. This chapter provides a framework in which to consider the collection and transcription of narratives. The emphasis in this new edition is on the tools with which graduate students and more advanced researchers need to become familiar as well as be able to use in order to conduct high quality research. Not only are the chapters organized in a logical order, the individual chapters are modular, allowing a professor to assign sections of a chapter. Although there are many basic underlying principles in research, there are also advances and many new examples of research that ought to be incorporated. The structure and flow was strong, especially in the early chapters. The text does contain a number of hyperlinks. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010; Brians, Craig Leonard et al. The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments. The author's writing is very clear, making it easy for undergraduates to comprehend. In addition, there are places where the clarity of the text falls apart (see point 10 in this rating for more). Occasionally there are grammatical errors and odd sentences, but overall Blackstone's writing is approachable. Students are often overwhelmed by the more advanced concepts within a chapter. The text includes examples referring to gender roles, people of color, urban and rural contexts. Research methods is a “bread-and-butter” course for the social sciences, so the context rarely changes. And, excellent idea- to include a list of "transferable skills"! I am not sure how different computers or different software may affect this, but I had no interface issues while reading the text at home or at the office. At several points, there are calls back to previous chapters/modules that would need to be edited or addressed by an instructor if they were attempting to only use one (or several) modules. Given the author's scholarly focus as a sociologist of gender, work, and family, it should not be suprising that examples are more likely to relate to these areas, leaving issues of race, sexuality, ethnicity, immigration, language, religion, disability, etc. Blackstone quickly runs through research design and philosophy of social science questions. A narrative innately requires both a teller and an audience, and is therefore always co-constructed through feedback and reactions. The Kapati Method The Kapati (cup of tea) method of data collection draws on the narrative inquiry approach where participants’ stories (individual and collective group) are collected and analysed to understand how participants (students) draw on their social, cultural and linguistic repertoire to make meaning of new professional knowledge. Together, Amy Blackstone's experiences as a student, researcher, and teacher shape the three overriding objectives of Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Relevance, Balance, and Accessibility. The book seems to be accurate in discussing the material. Yes, the book is inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Methods books tend to be quite expensive and it is a class where having the book is crucial for success so I think this is a great option to ensure students have access! On the PDF version, some tables carried over between pages, as did some of the Key Takeaways sections. There is a strong emphasis on making sociology and social research relevant to the students everyday life and interests. Further information about how to effectively present data using charts and graphs can be found here. Also, the discussion of experiments would benefit from more attention both to the benefits of experiments for studying causality and the ethical issues that experiments raise. It covers the main sections that most of us would expect to see in a methods text. I'll address them one by one: have pros and cons, but these are not contrasted in any detail, particularly in terms of how they might influence response rates or allow (or not) for sufficient coverage of the sampling frame. Keywords: Narrative Inquiry, Interviews, Qualitative Methods, Scaffolding Introductory courses in research methods often offer a survey of topics designed to expose students to a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools and research designs. There is not index or glossary but the chapter titles would guide readers to appropriate topic areas. Define and describe narrative thematic data analysis. While I absolutely agree that we should not have new editions just to have new editions, there does come a time when books begin to seem out of date. Data is collected via interview transcripts or observational notes.

I think the sections can be read on their own and assigned when needed. Decolonial Feminist Research: Haunting, Rememory and Mothers 4 5. asked Aug 24, 2019 in Education by Flambida. On the other hand, the topic on survey research accurately (see point 2, above) reflects the current state of knowledge about the relationship between survey response rates and the potential for bias. The book is well-organized and follows the same convention of many methods texts. Discuss data verification and validation strategies used in qualitative research approaches. Your goal in conducting quantitative research study is to determine the relationship between one thing [an independent variable] and another [a dependent or outcome variable] within a population. “Identify and distinguish between micro-, meso-, and macrolevel considerations with respect to the ethical conduct of social scientific research” Hard to answer based on text Blackstone is adept at explaining critical social science research terminology as she places these in context with other disciplines. An experimental design includes subjects measured before and after a particular treatment, the sample population may be very small and purposefully chosen, and it is intended to establish causality between variables.

This text's comprehensiveness, in combination with simple language suited to first exposure to the topic, is one of the chief strengths of the book.

It touches on the main topics covered in an undergraduate sociological methods course, as well as some additional topics such as the chapter on “Research Methods in the Real World.” In general, I found the later chapters to be more comprehensive than the earlier ones. It is highly recommended that there be a copy editor for this text. The discussion of sociological questions uses language different from what most sociologists use, contrasting empirical questions to ethical--rather than normative--ones. I liked the inclusion of how to review existing sociological research. Conducting Ethnographic Studies, Observational Research, and Narrative Inquiry Steps and Methods used in Qualitative Observational Research Qualitative observational research involves more than simply going out into the field and observing a given group or culture. data collection methods must observe the ethical principles of research. Offers detailed guidance on how to develop, organize, and write a college-level research paper in the social and behavioral sciences. Narrative inquiry or narrative research emerged as a method from within the broader field of qualitative research in the early 20th century. In my opinion, it covers much of the content required on an undergraduate social science methods course, and is of particular value for sociology students. This book is for qualitative researchers and feminism scholars who are pursuing these kinds of boundary-crossing "personal" inquiries. SURVEY RESEARCH. I would also point out here that the text does seem to assume a traditionally-aged residential classroom composition, not the norm for many of us. Adding them would make much easier to use the book. In 2011 she received the University of Maine’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in Teaching/Advising. Instructors could easily layer on additional examples in lecture or supplemental reading. though in discussing the issue of confidentiality it is important to mention that not all researchers promise confidentiality (see Mitch Duneier's "Sidewalk", for example) and that this is a controversial issue in research given the fact that some research participants would prefer their identities to be known. There is a clear logic to the book's organization. So, the discussion of what a theory is and what a paradigm is gets muddled and confusing for students. I think these distinctions could be posed with more nuance, within a more interdisciplinary understanding/approach to paradigms and theory. Database: A digital collection of data and the structure around which the data is organized. �@���R�t C���X��CP�%CBH@�R����f�[�(t� C��Qh�z#0 ��Z�l�`O8�����28.����p|�O×�X Found inside – Page 157As we collect narrative data, we should consider narrative thinking grounded in the narrative principles as a foundation for data collection methods for narrative inquiry, which will differentiate narrative methods from general ... There isn't a glossary at the end of the book, or a list of bolded terms with definitions at the end of each chapter, which would greatly improve its navigability. Accessibility is one off the main objectives of this text. Many figures are indicated but are missing (for example, diagrams of inductive and deductive research processes are mentioned, but they do not appear in the text--this is a really bad omission). In this book, the author presents the material for all types of methods objectively. I reviewed this book looking for things that were important but omitted, but it was comprehensive and current. It also seems odd that focus groups are shunted off to a different chapter rather than treated as a kind of interview. Students with quantitative methods training may find this reassuring, as the book draws connections between the familiar and the unfamiliar. Accordingly, the author should use some definitions from the sociology of organizations literature, and define the meso-level as that which describes ORGANIZATIONS and the micro-level as potentially for SMALL GROUPS, such as dyads and triads. Given that this is one of the criteria for comprehensiveness, I do have to grade accordingly. Additionally, the author does a fantastic job of putting qualitative and quantitative research on equal footing, rather than relegating qualitative research to one or two chapters. The discussion of methods and theory could be elaborated as well (e.g. was cut off and lives as a fragment in the current version. Heteronormativity in case examples, illustrations, questions, inquiry dominate the text. methods include the researcher as the primary data collection tool, identification of a purposive sample, use of interviews as a form of data collection, and written narratives as the mechanism of reporting the findings. In general, the content is accurate and unbiased, but there are a few exceptions. If this text were used in a one-semester research methods course, it probably has too little on data analysis; if it is used in the first semester of a two-semester course where analysis is covered separately, then the coverage of many topics seems a bit superficial. Introduction – Literature review – Purpose of the study – Brief description of the study • Who did the study, where and when • Description of relevant cultural and contextual information 2. Immediately following each regular in-text parenthetical citation, there is also a full (works cited list) citation, right there in the text. Throughout the book, when a particular research study is mentioned, the entire citation is embedded in the sentence, which was cumbersome to encounter as a reader. It takes a lot of time to collect the data points. The content appears to be accurate and free from bias. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other non-textual forms. It is a well-organized text although a detailed table of comments, as I mentioned above, would make the organization more apparent to students early on in the class. The key points (to be covered) and key takeaways at the opening and closing of sections, respectively aid the reader in focusing on core concepts. I like the modules format. The researcher is the subject of study, the key informant. Its simple language makes it accessible to most undergraduates, and the in-text "drop-down" definitions provide adequate support to allow comprehension of technical terminology. 3. I happened to be using the text for an introductory master's course in a different subject field, so the very purposeful focus on sociology made the book somewhat less translatable. I found this inconsistency mildly troublesome, and quickly decided to rely on the ToC for moving between chapters and sections. It includes expected topics and some additional attention to some subjects. The reader can then supplement this knowledge with more in-depth texts as required. Throughout the book, Daiute illustrates and applies narrative inquiry with a wide variety of examples, practical activities, charts, suggestions for interpreting analyses, and tips on writing up results. My experience is that when students see a bolded term, they expect a list of them... Blackstone is adept at explaining critical social science research terminology as she places these in context with other disciplines. The heavy use of examples from published research provides a varied range of subject areas for readers, however not always in terms of cultural diversity specifically. Step by step, the authors explain a range of methodologies and methods for conducting qualitative research focusing on how they are applied when conducting an actual study. I wonder if that would be interesting as part of the opening of the book? That is not necessarily a bad thing, but could be a barrier to adopting the textbook. For example, the text is a little light on the philosophical foundations of qualitative and quantitative research (which may be seen as a strength or a weakness depending on your perspective!). > Narrative Research: Seeks to understand sociological questions about groups, communities, and contexts through individuals’ lived experiences. Other reviewers have pointed this out. Narrative research is a term that subsumes a group of approaches that in turn rely on the written or spoken words or visual representation of individuals. Overall, the presentation, including examples, explanations, and definition, is straightforward and clear. I teach methods in a variety of formats (i.e. The book can be used in any humanities/social science class, not only in sociology, The book is an excellent source for any principles of research class for high school, community college, or college classes. read more. Because the nature of the data depends on the question being asked, data may include demographic records, such as birth and death certificates; newspapers articles; letters and diaries; government records; or even architectural drawings. read more. Reviewing methods of analysis provides a framework of understanding at different levels [i.e. That is one function for which the PDF was a better option as one can use the "find" feature for keywords throughout the text. It succeeded in reaching this objective, through logical and clear organization, structure, and flow, including many connectors to earlier concepts. However, there were typos that were problematic -- I'm not going to list all of them, but see page 55, paragraphs 5 and 6, for example. Usually, the methods of data collection all the strategies of qualitative inquiry–ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory, narrative and case studies-are similar. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merril Prentice Hall, 2003; Hector, Anestine.

The book is clearly written. There are many strong chapters (measurement, survey methods, fieldwork plus other qualitative methods that are sometimes left out) and well-written sections (conceptualization, operationalization) It is relevant to the book introduction and title. The author role is reversed from being a researcher first and then an author to being a story teller first. Also, the chapter referring to "what is sociology" is somewhere around Chapter 4, but I just assign that next. There are many of these texts available, many very good, but they are always quite expensive, and often students will not buy them. For optimal utility in social work teaching, the text would need to be used with a companion file using social work examples, including social justice-focused research using community-based participatory action methods. 12th ed. Quantitative researchers try to recognize and isolate specific variables contained within the study framework, seek correlation, relationships and causality, and attempt to control the environment in which the data is collected to avoid the risk of variables, other than the one being studied, accounting for the relationships identified. One of the weak points of the book is a lack of discussion on how to conduct a literature review. I was not aware of any instances of bias in the presentation of material (although as a white, women academic, I may be subject to the same biases as the author of the book!). Weird.

Narrative inquiry and autoethnography 69. Creative, performative, and arts‐based approaches 70. interviews, focus groups) Adapted from Crotty M. The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspective in the research process. Also, I appreciated the links to additional resources, but at least one link didn’t work ( The course will also focus on data collection and analysis techniques that include: defining the research question, selecting the research setting, choosing data collection methods (i.e. There are some issues with internal consistency. ... Data collection for this project is nearing completion. 68 0 obj <>stream This text provides a very comprehensive introduction to Research Methods. Introduction – Literature review – Purpose of the study – Brief description of the study • Who did the study, where and when • Description of relevant cultural and contextual information 2. The text appears to be consistent in terms of its terminology and framework. This text utilizes examples (like illustrations from President Obama’s election), that may seem dated at some point. in an instance like this might add to cultural relevance of the text. The data are generally nonnumerical. Works for the short attention we all have these days. But empirical method in scientific inquiry has different features, like codified procedures for making observations and recognizing sources of bias associated with particular methods, 9 and the data derived from these observations are used specifically as tools to support or refute knowledge claims. This unique text provides a comprehensive framework for creating, managing, and interpreting qualitative research studies that yield valid and useful information. Well edited; no issues with grammatical errors. I was struck that gender remains male/masculine, female/feminine, or "other, though. This text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of qualitative methods in leadership research. The book equips leadership researchers at all levels with the knowledge to make informed choices of research strategies. The embedded citations are cumbersome enough, that I think they detract substantially from clarity, which is reflected in my rating. The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology such as quantitative methods, measurement, and research design, etc. The text is culturally senstivie and inclusive. Another is that it has no index. Sections are clearly labeled, and the linked table of contents makes it easy to send students straight to a section of interest. Narrative researchers look for ways to understand and then present real-life experiences through the stories of the research participants , . The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population. Basic Inquiry of Quantitative Research. I worry this would confuse students as they tend to want to draw clear lines between qualitative and quantitative methodologies, particularly at the introductory level. The online interface is easy to use. interviews, focus groups) Adapted from Crotty M. The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspective in the research process. Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS. Winner of the 2018 Textbook & Academic Authors Association's The McGuffey Longevity Award In the revised Fourth Edition of the best-selling text, John W. Creswell and new co-author Cheryl N. Poth explore the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. The sub-sections or units within each chapter could easily be reorganized within a different overarching course structure without detracting from the readers' learning or comprehension. The order of the chapters is logical and the individual chapters are also organized in a logical, useful way. The setup says it will cover “connections between paradigms, social theories, and social scientific research methods. 2. ahead of Ethics – but that option is open to an adopter of the book, Online and pdf versions differ – While most links work in pdf, it does not include some Figures, Table of Contents, No objections to author’s usage. Some recent textbooks have begun to cover this important approach. narrative research, ethnography. Exemplary investigations that rely on each approach are included. As a result, it is a very accessible text that will appeal to students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications. The book's structure and style was consistent across chapters and sections. Each chapter flows conceptually into the next. The author has given examples from sociological studies that have examined controversial topics, but she has done so with care and in a non-offensive manner. Reviewed by Robert Liebman, Professor, Portland State University on 2/8/17, Text is comprehensive in two senses: it covers what is standard in Research Methods texts and it serves the author’s focus on teaching research design/methods to prepare students for undertaking a research project (or doing a research proposal). While the importance of understanding research methods is usually clear to those students who intend to pursue an advanced degree, Amy wanted to write a text that would assist research methods teachers in demonstrating to all types of students the relevance of this course. It nicely covers both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. I would agree with this reviewer that the paradigms and the theoretical umbrellas proposed are more overlapping than the author indicated. Other reviewers have pointed out that instructors could add newer materials and resarch examples. Several students reported being delighted with their ability to access and use the text easily from anywhere that was internet-enabled. The modules proceed in a logical progression. Wished that the ToC was in all formats. Much of the book is applicable across the social sciences, though the discussion of levels of analysis, prominent theories, and library research tools are specific to sociology, as are example research questions. read more. An Overview of Quantitative Research in Composition and TESOL. The text felt clear and culturally sensitive. Key Words: Grounded Theory, Combined Methodological Approaches, Narrative Inquiry, Mixed Methods, Qualitative, Multiple Methods. It makes use of examples that include a variety of backgrounds and characteristics (race/ethnicity, gender, SES). The only error I noticed was that there were a few links to sources that did not work. Reviewed by Rae Taylor, Associate Professor, Loyola University New Orleans on 4/24/19, The text covers all the areas a research methods textbook should, in an easily digestible way. read more.

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