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french society first estate

French society in the 18th century was divided into three estates, and only members of the _____ paid taxes. (a) The 1st estate consist of the clergy. Answer: These groups had many different views. As a government, the States General of the Dutch Republic were abolished in 1795. A man patiently watches a group of young girls walk home from school, waiting for the perfect moment to take the one child he has designated as his next victim. (a) The population of France increased from 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789. (c) Then the fortress-prison of Bastille was stormed by hundreds of people with the hope to find hoarded ammunition. The division in estates was of mixed nature: traditional, occupational, as well as formal: for example, voting in Duma was carried out by estates. [CBSE 2015] [6] The urban included wage-labourers. French society was divided into 3 estates. Question 62. They looted the hoarded grains and burnt the documents containing the records of manorial dues. The philosophers were John Locke, Montesquieu and Jean Jacques Rousseau. The country districts, the plat pays, were not represented. abbeys and chapters of cathedrals, were also summoned to the assembly. Peasants protested against the feudal lords or nobles in the following ways. Discuss the main causes of the French Revolution. The Estates-General was a meeting of the three estates within French society which included the clergy, nobility and the peasant classes. Expectations were high. Question 7. In 1848, slavery was finally abolished from French colonies. (h) Demand for one vote one person. The higher clergy occupied the top position in the society. Question 44. (b) Tithes were abolished and lands owned by the Church were seized and all this resulted in acquiring assets worth at least 2 billion livres. What did the French Revolution of 1789 stand for? Question 37. Question 30. In the time of Louis XVI, every bishop in France was a nobleman, a situation that had not existed before the 18th century. [CBSE 2010] Answer: In addition, the First and Second Estates relied on the labour of the Third, which made the latter's inferior status all the more glaring. There were an estimated 27 million people in the Third Estate when the French Revolution started. The lower clergy (and some nobles and upper clergy) eventually sided with the Third Estate, and the King was forced to yield. (ix) . (a) Meeting of the Estate General. Question 112. Question 67. In anticipation of the meeting of the Estates General, the king requested and received . (c) The eye within or triangle radiating light: The all-seeing eye stands for knowledge. [5], At the other extreme, the "lower clergy" (about equally divided between parish priests, monks, and nuns) constituted about 90 percent of the First Estate, which in 1789 numbered around 130,000 (about 0.5% of the population). Which of the following constituted the privileged class? This however, is not a term used in the Constitution. They invited the other orders to join them, but emphasized that they intended to conduct the nation's affairs with or without them. The first estate consisted of the clergymen, the second estate consisted of the nobles and the third estate consisted of the common people most of whom were peasants. Ever since 1759, when Voltaire wrote "Candide" in ridicule of the notion that this is the best of all possible worlds, this world has been a gayer place for readers. Why was the treasury empty? The successful achievements of the National Assembly from 1789-1791 were as follows: But it was admitted that he might do so by the consent of the Estates General. The remaining men and all women were classed as passive citizens. Treason means betrayal of one’s country or government. Often, France's upper nobility sent a son into the upper clergy. Whilst the estates were never formulated in a way that prevented social mobility, the English (subsequently the British) parliament was long based along the classic estate lines being composed on the "Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons". The National Assembly’s draft of 1791 aimed at limiting the powers of the monarch. [HOTS] [CBSE 2016] Since the members of the third estate were more, they considered themselves the voice of the people/whole nation. Angered by the short supplies and high prices of foodgrains Jacobins stormed the Palace of the Tuileries. Question 12. The king, supreme though his power might be, could not abrogate, modify or infringe them. When he shut down the Salle des États where the Assembly met, the Assembly moved its deliberations to a nearby tennis court. (b) With the abolition of censorship in 1789 and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1791, freedom of speech became a natural right. Answer: In the 16th century, however, the estates again claimed that their consent was necessary for the establishment of new taxation, and, on the whole, the facts seemed to be in favour of this view at the time. This resulted into more demand of foodgrains. The first estate was clergy (priestly class). Such families were rare and their rise to nobility required royal patronage at some point. A. Paris (d) Feudalism and serfdom were abolished and the power of clergy curbed. What was the objective of the National Assembly’s draft completed in 1791? What the freedom mean in view of plantation owners? What was the decision taken by National Assembly in April 1792? The American Constitution and its guarantee of individual rights became an example for political thinkers in France. Since early 18th century, a bill needed the approval of at least three Estates to pass, and constitutional amendments required the approval of all Estates. In 1804, he crowned himself as the Emperor of France. How was the National Assembly recognised and how did it start exercising its powers? 1 French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century Clergy Nobility Peasants and artisans Small peasants, landless labour, servants Big businessmen, merchants, court officials, lawyers etc. Answer: Question 106. Every level of French society was thus involved in voting and vocalizing their many grievances against the state, drawing in people across the nation. Answer: Which estate enjoyed the feudal privileges? The States General resided in The Hague and Brussels in alternate years until 1830, when, as a result of the Belgian Revolution, The Hague became once again the sole residence of the States General, Brussels instead hosting the newly founded Belgian Parliament. It was hated by all as it stood for the despotic powers of the king. Later in the 15th and 16th centuries Brussels became the place where the States General assembled. [CBSE 2010] Question 50. Answer: The French society in the 18 th century was divided into three estates. This led to the growth of newspapers, books, pamphlets and printed pictures. At the Estates General of 1484 the elections were made in common for the three orders, and the deputies also arrived at their resolutions in common. The Directory was a five-member committee which governed France when the political power Question 48. The peasants in several districts seized hoes and pitchforks and attacked manors of the lords. The structure of the first order, the clergy, was in place by 1200 and remained singly intact until the religious reformations of the 16th century. A place where fortress-prison was stormed by the people in 1789. The new lords of the land identified themselves primarily as warriors, but because new technologies of warfare were expensive, and the fighting men required substantial material resources and considerable leisure to train, these needs had to be filled. They are as follows: 1. [CBSE 2014] They were usually answered by an ordonnance, and it is chiefly through these that we are acquainted with the activity of the estates of the 14th and 15th centuries. To collect general taxes, the king required consent of the lay and ecclesiastical lords, and of the towns. Who composed it? Answer: Nepotism was common in this period. "The Red and the Black" is a reflective novel about the rise of poor, intellectually gifted people to High Society. (d) According to this, active citizens of France elected electors who inturn voted to elect the National Assembly. (a) Revolutionary ideas of equality and liberty transformed the clothes people wore, the language they spoke and books they read. At the same time the king had ordered troops to move into Paris. Name the leader. Answer: A port of France related to slave trade. They believed that no person in the society should be privileged by birth. Answer: Which section of the French society got political right by the constitution of 1791? Question 75. Who were the Jacobins? In order to discuss – and voice their interests women started their own political clubs and newspapers. Question 100. Question 46. (b) The 2nd estate consist of the nobles. The bourgeoisie found ways to evade them and become exempt. Another major cause was the role of the middle class who earned their wealth through expanding trade of manufactured goods, being exported. Commoners were universally considered the lowest order. They were also exempted from paying taxes. (a) The middle class was a social group that emerged in France in the 18th century. Answer: Rest of the 90% population made up the third estate that paid all the various direct and indirect taxes. The philosophers like Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu spread the ideas of having a society where the people enjoy freedom, equal laws and equal opportunities. What were the roles played by people of French when fight took place with Prussia and Austria? The French nobility emerged during the Middle Ages and stayed in power until the French Revolution which started in 1789. Tithe was a tax levied by the Church, comprising one-tenth of the agricultural produce. Question 29. It was the level of government where all things were dealt with that were of concern to all the seven provinces that became part of the Republic of the United Netherlands. (a) On the night of 4 August, 1789, the Assembly passed the law for abolishing feudal system of obligations and taxes, the clergy members were also forced to give up their privileges. The First and Second estates totalled about 400,000 people at most, at his estimate, while the Third Estate entailed roughly 25.6 . (b) The high cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles also added to the financial drain. (a) The period from 1793 to 1794 is called the Reign of Terror because Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment. By this means the Estates General furnished the material for numerous ordonnances, though the king did not always adopt the propositions contained in the cahiers, and often modified them in forming them into an ordonnance. Since the death of Louis XIV in 1715, the nobles had enjoyed a resurgence in power. Messages of support for the Assembly poured in from Paris and other French cities. During that time the States General were formed by representatives of the States (i.e. Since most of the population were independent farmer families until the 19th century, not serfs nor villeins, there is a remarkable difference in tradition compared to other European countries. (a) Clergy and peasants (b) Peasants and Nobility (c) First and Third Estate [CBSE 20131 French Revolution must first be sought in the condition of French society. CBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Extra Questions The French Revolution Pdf free download are part of Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science. (b) In Two Treatises of Government, John Locke sought to refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute rights of the monarch. Name the Philosophers who put forward the ideas of freedom, equal laws and opportunities for all in French society. Question 108. The system was also adopted by the Parliament of England when James VI ascended to the English throne. The Estates could give the king a dispensation from a fundamental law in a given instance; they could even, in agreement with the king, make new fundamental laws. Occasionally the First and Second Chamber meet in a Verenigde Vergadering (Joint Session), for instance on Prinsjesdag, the annual opening of the parliamentary year, and when a new king is inaugurated. Membership was based on fealty to the king, and the preservation of the king's peace, and so the fluctuating number of autonomous Irish Gaelic kings were outside of the system; they had their own local brehon law taxation arrangements. Only representatives of the Third Estate were chosen by election. This forced king to increase taxes mostly paid by the.third estate. Answer: The First Estate was comprised of the clergy, the Second Estate the nobility, and the . What was the Estates General? It aroused such enthusiasm that large number of people joined the company. Explain the features of the constitution of France drafted in 1791. In England, a two-estate system evolved that combined nobility and clergy into one lordly estate with "commons" as the second estate. before the revolution the French people were divided into 3 groups.the 1st estate consisted of clergy,2nd estate of the nobility,the 3rd estate of the bourgeoisie,urban worker,and peasants.legally the 1st two estates enjoyed many privileges,particularly,exemption from most taxation. By June, when continued impasses led to further deterioration in relations, the Estates-General was reconstituted first as the National Assembly (June 17, 1789) seeking a solution for the realm independent of the King's management of the meetings of the Estates General which occasionally continued to meet. Question 66. The idea of the "estates" is important to the social structure of the Middle Ages. 2. However, after the Diet of Porvoo, the Diet of Finland was reconvened only in 1863. [2], As a result of the Investiture Controversy of the late 11th and early 12th centuries, the powerful office of Holy Roman Emperor lost much of its religious character and retained a more nominal universal preeminence over other rulers, though it varied. The peasants obliged the landlords by working on their fields, in their houses, to serve in the army or to participate in the building of roads. Fie proposed a division of power within government between the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. The attack by the third estate on the Bastille State prison (14th July 1789) and setting free the prisoners was the incident which sparked the French Revolution. The king could not, in theory, levy general taxation. Usually this is done in the safe confines of the Agency walls, but sometimes the analysts are forced to place themselves in harms way. Through it all and despite the circumstances, their Code of Honor is to Do No Harm.

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