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most incumbent members of congress quizlet

All EXCEPT which of following are true of incumbents in Congress, . It is undemocratic id a legislator do not respond to constituency opinion because they are going by what they think is the right decision other than what the people think is the right decision. In your opinion, is it undemocratic when legislators do not respond to constituency opinion in their decision making? The organization of Congress: parties and caucuses A. Retiring incumbents See also List of U.S. Congress incumbents not running for re-election in 2014. This is a list of Asian Americans and Pacific Islands Americans in the U.S. Congress.. Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The modern Congress is different from the nineteenth-century Congress in that, Campaign spending tends to be greatly more important, Incumbents may have some problems in reelection campaigns if. Based on what you have learned, what supports Senator Dole's assessment, and what contradicts it? These staffers assist members in their efforts to be effective, well-liked representatives. B. Incumbents in Congress are hard to beat — and a lot of it has to do with money. Votes in Congress tend to divide along party lines, The oversight responsibility of Congress is, The biggest obstacle to effective congressional oversight is, Congress's strength as a policymaking institution includes its, Bills are formally introduced in Congress by, Most of the work on legislation in Congress is done, The scheduling of bills in the Senate is left up to, News media coverage of Congress and the president is. D. Members frequently ask their colleagues how to vote. D) Incumbents only leave office when they are involved in a scandal. Congress. There are currently ________ voting members of the U.S. House of Representatives and ________ voting members of the U.S. Senate. Presidential coattails. Presidential influence in Congress occurs at the margins. Incumbency advantage is a good thing for American democracy. About ___ percent of all PAC contributions go to the incumbents. 260 Chapter 13: Congress 4. C. While this would happen in an ideal world, historically the incumbent is re-elected 90% of the time. The seniority system is the general rule for selecting chairs, but there are exceptions. This page lists the incumbent members of the 115th U.S. Congress who did not run for re-election in the 2018 congressional elections for both U.S. Senate and U.S. House. B. Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers. To win in the first place, candidates had to pass muster with constituents. Committee staff organize hearings, research legislative options, draft committee reports on bills, write legislation and keep tabs on activities of the executive branch. Which statement about incumbency is most accurate? In our democracy, it is primary elections that are the most important, since this is where voters have the biggest choice of candidates. Of those, 23 lost (4 in primaries, 19 in general election) and 379 won, producing a reelection rate of 94.28% ( House of Representatives elections, 2008 - defeated incumbents ; also Retired, resigned and defeated members of the 110th Congress - … Is Congress a representative institution? Congressional responsiveness to constituents predispose Congress to increase the scope of government because as the government grow, the more need of Congress members. African American members, white members, women legislators etc take upon representation on matters that seem more important to them. This is especially important during years when there isn’t a presidential election. If they are not doing a good job in office, we can simply vote for someone else. 4) Most members of Congress are Protestants. Since the founding of the United States, the debate over the representative function of Congress has centered on whether, The trading of votes between members of Congress so that each gets the legislation he or she wants is, A bill has been approved in the House and Senate, albeit in slightly different versions. Legislators are more likely to respond to constituency opinion when they are strongly sought out by constituents. A) Incumbents have a significant reelection advantage. When constituents want a legislator to vote on a certain bill or issue, they must make sure they choose a legislator that will have the same thinking as they do. Also the lack of strong opponents boosts the chances of incumbents into being chosen. Descriptive representation is when congress represents constituents by mirroring their personal politically relevant characteristics. Which one of the following statements about the seniority principle is most accurate? In the 2006 midterm elections, Republicans lost a significant number of House and Senate seats. TRUE Page Ref: 356 Edition: National: 115: 1788755807: 5) House incumbents tend to be more vulnerable in election contests than Senate incumbents. Which aspects of leaders' powers would you change, and why? Most members of Congress share the beliefs and attitudes of a large proportion of their constituents. A. Without them legislators would be drowning in excessive amount of stress and duties. 5. Successful congressional candidates tend to run "two campaigns," meaning, The second most powerful person in Washington, D.C. (after the president) is often said to be. The most recent such election was in 1948, when Democratic presidential nominee Harry S. Truman campaigned against a "do-nothing Congress." Congress is responsive to a wide range of interests in America. It consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, with members chosen through direct election.. Congress has 535 voting members. incumbent’s office. a vote where most members of one political party vote one way while most members of the other party vote the other way is categorized as a ____ unity vote party The emergence of ___ ___, groups that can pour money into a political campaign with few limits, has given challengers a better opportunity to unseat congressional incumbents If so, what can be. Last updated April 30, 2021 This page lists the incumbent members of the 117th U.S. Congress who are not running for re-election in the 2022 congressional elections for both U.S. Senate and U.S. House.. As of May 2021, 13 members of Congress—five members of the U.S. Senate and eight members of the U.S. House—have announced they will not seek re-election. A. Voter awareness of how members of Congress vote on important policy decisions. Other congressional representative that are new can be cocky and try to spend as much money to win. Substantive representation is when congress represents the interest groups they themselves are not members. Voters pay more money to keep elected officials in their current seats so that there is less change and disruption. During these elections, much of the voter turnout cons… If there is a high demand, Congress should listen and go over the demand instead of ignoring it. A pocket veto differs from a regular presidential veto in that the pocket veto, Congress' inability to consistently provide leadership on broad national issues is due to, On broad issues of national significance, Congress is ordinarily most responsive to the initiatives of, In initiating broad legislative proposals, the president enjoys all of the following advantages over Congress except. (The last time -- aside from 2010 -- where less than 90 percent of House incumbents seeking re-election won was in 1974 when 89.6 percent did so.) Notes: Most Members list more than one profession when surveyed by CQ Roll Call, and the professions listed are not necessarily the ones Members … Only a member of the House or Senate can officially propose a bill. Legislators are less likely to respond to constituents that send written letters, sent questionnaires, or public opinion polling. Legislative staff help keep things organized and working properly. Most of the legislative work of Congress is performed by. a. concerned with national issues, but even more concerned with local ones. The message from voters to Congress… C. Congress is a collection of generalists trying to make policy on specialized topics. The filibuster may be considered undemocratic because. Members of Congress are paid a base salary of $174,000, and that's way too much, according to public-opinion polls. Under what circumstances are legislators more likely to respond to constituency opinion and when are they less likely to do so? The 435 members of the 110th House of 2007-08 mostly ran for reelection, with just 33 incumbents retiring, leaving 402 up for election in November 2008. The reason for that is because it gives opportunity for the people to choose on a representative they know will represent their values and issues they care about. Incumbent members of Congress usually do not run for reelection. In addition to money for staff, members of Congressalso have travel allowances for trips between Washington and their constituencies as well as for trips inside their states or districts. Most incumbents' views on policy are well known to their constituents, Which of the following is most likely to hurt an incumbent legislator's chances for reelection, The incumbent has gone through a scandalous and public divorce, The vast majority of people are more likely to vote based on party identification than on the candidate's personal characteristics and/or policy platform, Based on what you know about congressional elections, what do you think are three primary reasons for the incumbency advantage? D. Caucuses: The Informal Organization of Congress 1. Reasons that incumbent senators have greater competition than incumbent members of the House include all of the following EXCEPT A) an entire state is more diverse than a congressional district, providing more of a base for opposition. Generally, citizens liked them enough to vote for them previously, and, unless something drastic has happened, those positive feelings haven’t changed. FALSE Page Ref: 358 Edition: National: 116: 1788755808: 6) More than 90 percent of the incumbents in the House of Representatives seeking reelection win. Thirteen members left their current positions to run for the Senate in 2014. Members of Congress are often unsure of what is being voted on when a roll-call vote is called. This Congress is the most diverse ever. The president fails to sign a bill for ten days, and Congress is in session. It remained common, however, to have a small number of Independent Liberal or Independent Conservative MPs into the 1950s. But Hill staffers remain overwhelmingly white. Congress fails to pass a bill. Committees kill roughly ________ percent of the bills submitted in Congress. Yet, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, only 15.9 percent of all eligible citizens participated in the 2012 statewide primary elections, in which candidates for Congress are nominated. Forty-one House members announced they would not seek re-election in 2014. In order for congress members to have control over overwhelming responsibilities, they turn to the staff. Are there any ways to make Congress more representative of the American people, Congress is representative institution however there are some aspects to congress that makes it unrepresentative. B. There are only two Black chiefs of staff in the Senate and just four Latinos. This is especially so in the House of Representatives: President pro tempore presides; member with most seniority in majority party 2. A caucus is a grouping of members of Congress who share some interest or characteristic. Its effect on members of Congress is to recognize that once office is gained, a natural set of advantages comes with it for reelection purposes. What Do personal and committee staffs play in the legislative process? Membership of the 114th Congress: A Profile Congressional Research Service 3 Occupation Representatives Senators Law 151 51 Education 80 25 Source: CQ Roll Call Guide to the New Congress and the CQ Roll Call Member Profiles. Simply because they've been elected before, incumbents have an edge. Which of the following statements is true? Instead congress can engage in substantive representation. Personal staff ensure that they spend time on casework, provide services to constituents, answer mail, communicate members views etc. Which of the following statements is true? The Senate has 100 voting officials, and the House has 435 voting officials, along with five delegates and one resident commissioner. Congressional committee oversight has declined as federal policy responsibilities have increased over time. Each member of Congress has a office budget allotment which provides enough money to hire a sizable staff both in Washington, D.C. and back home in their states or districts. As majority leader of the Senate, Robert Dole once dubbed himself the "Majority Pleader." Members of Congress are surrounded by people who know (or claim to know) more than they do. C. Incumbents are … It costs more money to elect a president than to elect a member of Congress. Today, election as an independent is far more common at the municipal level. 2. A majority leader is someone who, "the principal partisan ally of the Speaker of the House, of the party's manager in the Senate. Committee chairs are the most important influencers of the committee agenda. Independent Members of Parliament were numerous in the last decades of the 19th century but diminished as the party system solidified. In which area has Congress been more likely than the president to exert leadership? For a list of incumbents that did not seek re-election in 2016, click here. Because of the inherent tension in Congress between the need for strong leadership at the top and the individual congressional member's need to act according to local concerns, As compared with House members, senators are typically less like to take orders from their chamber's party leaders because. For a bill to pass in either chamber of Congress, The dominant political institution(s) during most of the nineteenth century was, Defining the conditions and scheduling a bill for floor debate in the House of. A majority of Americans believe members of Congress - a majority of whom are already millionaires - should earn less than $100,000 a year, … Voters have no impact over the individuals who chair key committees or lead congressional parties. Party organization of the Senate 1. Obviously members of congress cannot claim to be descriptive representation. Which of the following constitutes a pocket veto? The president gives no reason for vetoing a bill. The playing field is simply not level One of the most widely recognized 7. Explain. In your opinion, can Congress claim that it does either. This person is responsible for scheduling bills, influencing committee assignments, and rounding up votes on behalf of the party's legislature positions". Its leadership is chosen by it own members and not by the people. Examining the Lobbying Activity of Former Members of Congress,” Amy McKay, Lindsey Herbel and I undertake the first systematic examination of which former Congress members are most … Today's Congress differs from the Congress of the nineteenth century in, The highest priority for most members of Congress is, Legislation whose tangible benefits are targeted solely at a particular legislator's constituency is, Compared to House incumbents, Senate incumbents are more likely to face the problem of, Compared to other congressional campaigns, open-seat races tend to have all of the following characteristics except, Compared to the Senate majority leader, the Speaker of the House has more power because the House, In contrast to the Speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader, A standing committee in the House or Senate, When the House and Senate pass different versions of a bill, the differences are resolved by a, The congressional lawmaking process is biased toward, The major source of a committee's power is. it is used by the minority to defeat the majority. The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the United States of America's federal government. Therefore three primary reasons for the incumbency advantage is advertising, credit claiming and position taking. Ways that Congress can improve their representation of the american people is by just listening to the american people more often. ... Incumbents do well in congressional elections because of. Personal staff ensure that they spend time on casework, provide services to constituents, answer mail, communicate members views etc. All of the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress except: A. Incumbents usually raise more campaign funds than do their challengers. In congressional elections, citizens usually vote on congressional representatives they know and trust. b. Why or why not? Although legislators are often overwhelmed with responsibilities, they have a staff to assist them. One must be ________ years of age to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, and ________ years of age to serve in the U.S. Senate. Argument: Term limits are not necessary because members of Congress must be regularly re-elected. Constituency opinion is not always the dominant factor that influences a legislator's decision making. Most newcomers to politics cannot afford to run in the elections. C) Incumbents only leave office when pressured by party leadership. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the current underrepresentation of women in Congress, Women are less likely than men to win races they enter, Approximately 25 percent of membership in the House of Representatives is African American, What is the difference between descriptive and substantive representation? How important do you think strong leadership is in the House and in the Senate? For a list of incumbents that did not run for re-election in 2020, click here. Incumbents in Congress do not have to raise money for campaigning, whereas newcomers do. B) Incumbents are prohibited from accepting campaign contributions from interest group members. 16 Democrats; 25 Republicans When the House and the Senate pass different versions of a bill, these versions are to be reconciled by. Congress is meant to represent the American people, not turn their backs on them, Does congressional responsiveness to constituents predispose Congress to increase the scope of government? In 2014, Congress had an approval rating in the neighborhood of 13 to 15 percent; nonetheless, 95 percent of incumbents were re-elected in the midterm elections. What is the strategy employed in the Senate to prevent a bill from coming to a vote? In your opinion, is greater reliance on legislative staff good or bad for representative democracy? Generally speaking, do you think the incumbency advantage is good or bad for American democracy? ... Thirty-five senators and all 435 House members face the prospect of losing their jobs in November. Which of the following best describes the president's influence over congressional decision making? Members of Congress (especially the House) do not get along as well as they once did VI. In order for congress members to have control over overwhelming responsibilities, they turn to the staff. The bill now goes to. These losses were primarily attributable to. On only four occasions did more than 20 percent of incumbents seeking re-election actually lose their races. And what contradicts it answer mail, communicate members views etc by constituents when represents... The incumbency advantage is a high demand, Congress should listen and go the. Such election was in 1948, when Democratic presidential nominee Harry S. Truman against! Their constituents for a list of incumbents that did not seek re-election in 2014 it... 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